Quality over quantity always

Finding somebody willing to scrap your car when it’s come to the end of its’ useful life is, in itself, a fairly simple prospect. A quick leaf through the phone book or trawl on the internet will throw up many firms keen to take your old vehicle off your hands and, indeed, offering to pay for the privilege.

Scrapping a car, however, is not a simple process, not if you wish to do so in a way which minimizes and indeed removes any threat to the environment. The average car is a mass of metal, plastics, glass, various fluids and other dangerous substances which, if not dealt with properly, can cause great damage to the environment.

Scrapping a car, however, is not a simple process, not if you wish to do so in a way which minimizes and indeed removes any threat to the environment. The average car is a mass of metal, plastics, glass, various fluids and other dangerous substances which, if not dealt with properly, can cause great damage to the environment.

Finding somebody willing to scrap your car when it’s come to the end of its’ useful life is, in itself, a fairly simple prospect. A quick leaf through the phone book or trawl on the internet will throw up many firms keen to take your old vehicle off your hands and, indeed, offering to pay for the privilege.

Finding somebody willing to scrap your car when it’s come to the end of its’ useful life is, in itself, a fairly simple prospect. A quick leaf through the phone book or trawl on the internet will throw up many firms keen to take your old vehicle off your hands and, indeed, offering to pay for the privilege.

Scrapping a car, however, is not a simple process, not if you wish to do so in a way which minimizes and indeed removes any threat to the environment. The average car is a mass of metal, plastics, glass, various fluids and other dangerous substances which, if not dealt with properly, can cause great damage to the environment.